Tuesday, October 11, 2011

whats that I smell? :))

I always had a dream that once I get married and have my own place that wewould wake up and smell fatayar in the oven :)

Simple! and perfect recipe made my simple yummy dream come true!

Woke up today morning smelling the dough in the oven, excited for fresh zaatar fatayer. and I love how my daughter wakes up and after washing up she says "I smell fatayer" "My Favorite!" it makes breakfast special and makes her lunch box satisfying.

Now having it at work with olives and mint tea :)

*for recipe look back, older posts “pizza dough, cheese balls”

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Reading time!

"Read Read Read Read we are Pirates who love to Read!" Elmo and the Bookaneers.

Elmo made reading even more fun, now my little one wants to be a bookaneer. When its reading time we have to sing this song while she chooses 3 books (cuz she is 3 years old ;p) and usually they are the same every time!

Its fun! educational and great quality time that only a parent can do ;)